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Supply of two High-Performance Computing (HPC) clusters for meteorology and weather forecast for the programmes ACMAD and AGRHYMET financed by the African Bank for Development.


Supply and Installation of High-Performance Computing (HPC) cluster for meteorology and weather forecast for the satellite and weather information for disaster resilience in Central Africa SAWIDRA programme financed by the African Bank for Development.


Supply and Installation of ICT equipment for different regional offices of the Ghana employment and social protection programme financed by the European Union.


Supply and Installation of mobile Data Center for the Ministry of Interior of Turkey financed by the European Union.

Sierra Leone

Supply and Installation of ICT equipment, tablets and Software for the different schools and education centers of the Ministry of Education in Sierra Leone financed by the European Union.


Supply of ICT Equipment to the Ghana Electoral Commission and to the Ghana National Commission for Civic Education.


ICT Equipment of the different courts and Police Stations across the Chad Territory through the National Programme for Strengthening Chad Justice (PRAJUST), funded by the European Union.


Surveying and ICT Equipment including Satellite Tracking and GNSS measurements equipment for the department of Land Surveys & Records in Dhaka, funded by the European Union.